
Unconditional Love

I chose to share this poem today as a reminder to anyone who may need to hear it. We all make choices that we are not proud of and we all make mistakes that cannot be fixed. No one is perfect and yet we are loved more than we could ever imagine.

The words to this poem began floating into my mind as I was driving to the store a few years ago. I was reflecting on all the bad choices I had made in my life and wondering if I was even on the right path anymore. I was so confused and questioning pretty much everything and feeling like a huge failure who would never make it to Heaven. All within the same 20 minutes I saw the word Grace three times!

Once was on a license plate, another was a bumper sticker that read, “You don’t have to earn Grace. It’s free”. I kinda blew it off and thought it had to be a coincidence… and then I got to the store and the first person I saw as I walked in was wearing a sweatshirt that read “Grace College”. All at once, I realized God was answering me and I giggled to myself as I thanked Him for answering me so quickly.

This full poem came to me shortly after, in that same week. The fourth line in the first stanza is the repetitive phrase that kept coming to mind during my reflection in the car that day, the rest developed around that thought.

I seek out His Divinity,
As each day brings iniquitous tests.
Even when my choices bring me to shame,
Through blessings I am shown, He loves me no less.

A gentle tug, within my heart
Brings awareness of His Grace and Glory.
Obliged and humbled, I receive unconditional love,
Reminded, I am His child, and this, is His magnificent story.

If you are reading this message today, please remember to give yourself, and others, grace. It is a real gift that is all too often overlooked in the busy day-to-day bustle of life.



To read more of Cestiny’s poetry and blogs –
Not Alone
Journey to Forever
Either He Drives or I do
I am His Child

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