Alicia G. (Emotionally Absent Mother Class)

Iā€™m so glad I was able to be in a group setting with some amazing women despite what we all have been through. I absolutely loved this class. It helped me out in so many ways. First of all, it helped me realize and be truthful to myself about feeling what I was dealing with. It also brought out so many emotions and how to try to deal with those emotions.

By taking this class, it was a start on a very important path on my way to healing. I am so grateful to have experienced this. Now I know how to deal with my feelings. It helped me learn and understand my mom better and to be patient with her and to try to work with her. This was a safe place ā€“ judgement free zone.

The Motherless Daughters Ministry has received a $3500 grant from Montgomery Community Church. Thank you MCC!