
Gloria Lin

My name is Gloria, and I am a child of God, child of immigrant parents, wife, mother and motherless daughter.  I love to spend my days mothering my two boys, investing in my marriage and running my small business. I also love to cook, play music and dive deep into the friendships that I have been blessed with. 

I lost my mother to cancer when I was 26. I had many life changes that year and while I pushed forward, my mind stayed in grief and focused on what I thought “should have been”. This grief would manifest itself for one month in October every year through a dark depression. This one-month depression came to visit me every year for 15 years. Through Motherless Daughter Ministry, I have found so much encouragement, wisdom and life-giving freedom from the grief that I carried for so long. I am passionate about seeing others find that same freedom from their burdens. 

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!