
C. A. Bleu

Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio I now call Knoxville, TN home. My motherless daughter journey began when I was thirteen years old and woke up to find that my mother had died suddenly. My world changed forever with the death of my mother and it was at that point I also turned my back on God.

I am a wife, a mother, a hospice social worker for sixteen plus years and I am a writer. I journal…a lot! A few years ago, when I tried to write my personal story it actually turned into a fantasy fiction novel, The Trinity Ring, (currently available on Amazon). There are bits and pieces of my journey with grief, faith and love woven into the story.

Thirty years after my mother died, I realized there was so much that I have tried to ignore and push away. I attended the Journey Retreat with MDM and was finally able to ‘tell my story’, sharing truths that I have never shared. I found sisterhood and a renewed faith in God.

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!