
Bonnie Greenwood

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Bonnie retired from her career after 30 years of sales and operations in the Electrical & Automation industry. She currently resides with her husband in Ohio. Her heart, passion and joy are to follow God’s leading and to give her time in service. In August of 2020 she felt led to respond to an ad with Motherless Daughters Ministry and stepped into the role of Blog Administrator. Since this time Bonnie has grown into the role of Website Administrator also to help refresh the site as needs change. This opportunity allows her to grow in her love of technology and help others.

Bonnie is currently active with her church food ministry helping families who are struggling, bring to them a light of hope. She is also currently coordinating a partnership between her church and Butler County Kinship Navigator Program for those who are caretaking non-biological children. The goal is to walk alongside Kinship families as they discover “family” as a new normal. Seeing God at work in those relationships, as families are strengthened, has been a wonderful opportunity, enriching the life of others, and her own.

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!