
We're thrilled to welcome you as a volunteer with the Motherless Daughters Ministry, and we deeply appreciate the gift of your time, talent, and passion.

Our philosophy is rooted in honoring your commitment and ensuring your success. We believe in equipping our volunteers with the tools and support they need to thrive, because when you succeed, we succeed.

With numerous volunteer opportunities available, we're eager to connect with you and discover the role that best fits your talents and skills. Whether you find a suitable opportunity listed here or have a unique idea in mind, we encourage you to reach out to us. New opportunities arise every day, and we're committed to finding the perfect fit for you.

Explore the opportunities below, and if you don't see what you're looking for, simply fill out the volunteer application, and we'll be in touch. Thank you for your desire to volunteer and make a difference in the lives of motherless daughters. Bless you for your generosity and compassion! .

Volunteer Form

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Marketing - Board of Directors

Event Chair: Mary Ellen Collins


Time required: 3-5 hours per month

Board Description: Our Board of Directors is a group of passionate volunteers dedicated to serving women who are motherless. We are a working board. The current structure of the board consists of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and other board members responsible for various functions in the ministry. it is an exciting time for the ministry. Our growth has demanded that we serve our customers in new and inventive ways. The operational word is transitions!

The board of Motherless Daughters Ministry is responsible for overseeing the mission and purpose of the organization. Its duties include participation in strategic planning and making policy decisions; securing financing for these decisions and monitoring their execution. Members must be willing to:

  • attend the requisite meetings,
  • follow through on commitments,
  • participate fully in the decision-making process.
  • The board also presents the organization's image to the community and solicits its support in achieving the goals.
  • We expect our board members to commit to a 2-year term with consecutive terms permissible according to the bylaws,
  • attend and be active in scheduled Board meetings (in person, via phone or video conferencing)
  • Lead at least one team in the ministry.
  • Assist in selecting new board members and onboarding new board members.
  • Actively participate in annual Board self-evaluation

Position Description: Voting Board member who is responsible for creating an overall strategic marketing plan for the ministry and assisting in securing resources to implement this plan. This may include website management, social media, and other strategies. This board position will work collaboratively with the Board of Directors IT Position and Board of Directors, Fundraising.

Preferred Areas of Experience Event planning, Marketing, Project Management, Public Relations, Social Media

When needed: As soon as possible

Start Date: As soon as possible

End date: 2-year term with consecutive terms permissible according to the bylaws

How to apply: Please Complete the Board Application form and email to motherlessdaughtersministry@gmail.com

Contact person: Mary Ellen Collins, PhD

Marketing - Board of Directors
Available Spots

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!