Ways to Give Back

The Motherless Daughters Ministry is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization.  We work tirelessly to serve women who have lost or missed the nurturing care of a mother.  Help us to serve more motherless daughters in the world by choosing the following links.

Isaiah 61 Fund — The Isaiah 61 Fund was created by a motherless daughter in 2014 to help women participate in courses and events sponsored by the Motherless Daughters Ministry.  Since that time, numerous scholarships have been made available to women.  As a woman attends, she is asked to pay forward the blessings she has received and donate to the fund.  You can donate to the fund at any time by going here. The needs-based scholarships help to offset fees incurred to the individual.  Scholarship awards normally range from 25-50% of the requested fee.  There are circumstances where more has been awarded.

Ways to Give Back

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS ––Support the ministry by shopping at Kroger and linking your Plus Card to the Community Rewards program. 

EBay.com – Select the Motherless Daughters Ministry as your charity when making purchases on eBay. 

PayPal Giving Fund – Donate through the PayPal Giving Fund to ensure 100% of your donation reaches the ministry. 

Dinner for About 8 — Host a fundraising dinner and ask guests to contribute to the ministry’s mission. 

Dine to Donate – Keep an eye out for monthly fundraisers at local restaurants. 

Corporate and Donor-Directed Funds: The ministry is approved for donations from various organizations like Benevity.com and Fidelity Charitable Investments. 

Become a monthly donor. Support the ministry’s ongoing efforts by becoming a monthly donor through this link. 

Special Events and Fundraisers – Stay updated on upcoming events and fundraisers by checking the ministry’s calendar page. 

Thank you for all you do to support motherless daughters worldwide. Together, we can make a difference in their lives. 

We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!