
Share Your Journey: Connect With Others Through Your Mother Loss Story. In these blogs, we weave together the diverse tapestry of experiences surrounding mother loss. Whether you've navigated this path through different circumstances, rest assured, someone has bravely penned their narrative to resonate and connect with you.

Dive into these heartfelt blogs. Each story is a thread in the fabric of shared experiences, a testament to the strength and resilience that unites us. Allow these words to resonate, to reach into the depths of your emotions, and find solace in the shared journey of mother loss.

The Hole Only Jesus Could Fill: A Journey Through the Pain of a Narcissistic Mother

Jennifer Gayle Sappington | September 18, 2024

They say that the relationship between a mother and daughter is one of the most precious bonds a person can . . . Read More

A Distant Father

The Podcast team | September 14, 2024

As motherless daughters, we tend to focus on the struggles of being without a mother. But, working through our grief . . . Read More

God's Waiting Room

Mary Ellen Collins, PhD | June 26, 2024

This is where I am at right now. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.   Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, “He has made everything beautiful . . . Read More

The Hidden Picture

Sarah Lynn Wells | June 19, 2024

Have you ever seen one of the projection photo necklaces? I recently purchased one and it’s my new favorite piece . . . Read More

The world doesn’t have enough to offer for your mother loss. But there’s a solution. 

Janna | May 29, 2024

The world (American society in particular) will offer you one day of honoring your mother loss, and maybe some will . . . Read More

I’m Fine, You’re Fine, We’re All Fine

The Podcast Team | April 26, 2024

In our busy lives, it can be so easy to stuff our grief down and fill our mind with anything . . . Read More

Take Care of My Sheep

Mary Ellen Collins | March 6, 2024

As I stood amidst the flurry of last-minute preparations for our retreat, I couldn’t shake the anticipation of what lay . . . Read More

Voices of Volunteers-Part 5

The Podcast Team | February 2, 2024

The Motherless Daughters Ministry (MDM) is blessed to have an active team of volunteers. MDM podcast administrator, Sarah Lynn Wells, . . . Read More

Season of Searching

The Podcast Team | January 19, 2024

A season can be defined as a period of time identified by a set of distinguishing characteristics. This episode features . . . Read More

Broken & Remade

The Podcast Team | January 5, 2024

A well-known quote says “It’s always darkest just before the dawn.” This episode shares one of the darkest nights in . . . Read More

Christmas Hope

Sarah Lynn Wells | December 22, 2023

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this episode is focused on gratitude. Both God’s Word and psychology point to the significant . . . Read More

When the Holidays Are Bittersweet

Sarah Lynn Wells | December 8, 2023

There’s such a pressure to enjoy and be happy during the holiday season. But, for a motherless daughter, it can . . . Read More

God Moments: Embracing Divine Encounters in Everyday Life

Mary Ellen Collins | December 6, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the subtle miracles that unfold around us—what . . . Read More

Cultivating Thankfulness That Can’t Be Erased

Sarah Lynn Wells | November 24, 2023

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this episode is focused on gratitude. Both God’s word and psychology point to the significant . . . Read More

Voices of Volunteers-Part 4

Sarah Lynn Wells | November 10, 2023

The fourth episode of a series highlighting Motherless Daughters Ministry volunteers. MDM podcast administrator, Sarah Lynn Wells, interviews volunteers to . . . Read More

When Guilt Sets In

Sarah Lynn Wells | October 27, 2023

Motherless Daughters can experience a range of negative emotions as they process and work through their grief journey. For some, . . . Read More

Finding True Rest

Sarah Lynn Wells | October 13, 2023

In our world, busy-ness is often praised and valued. But as motherless daughters, we often find that a constant busy-ness . . . Read More

Voices of Volunteers - #3

The Podcast Team | September 29, 2023

The Motherless Daughters Ministry is fortunate to have a team of great volunteers. This new series highlights MDM podcast administrator, . . . Read More

You Will Be Healed

The Podcast Team | September 15, 2023

As motherless daughters, we often wish God could remove the pain and struggle from our lives. Whether we lost our . . . Read More

From Ashes to Beauty

The Podcast Team | September 1, 2023

Ashes are what remain after something has been destroyed by fire. There appears to be no hope for restoration or . . . Read More

The Value of “The EAM"

The Podcast Team | August 18, 2023

The EAM” is “The Emotionally Absent Mother” course offered by The Motherless Daughters Ministry. Our guest writer shared what this . . . Read More

Survival Mode

C.A.Bleu | April 26, 2023

Struggling through survival mode? Through our suffering we grow and learn to identify our strengths. We just don’t see it . . . Read More

I Am Lovable

Kristin Mitchener | April 12, 2023

The subject of love has been on my mind since I set out on my healing journey over a decade . . . Read More

You Will be Healed, it's Only a Matter of Time

Sarah Lynn Wells | April 5, 2023

Since sharing my last post, I have sat down numerous times to write again but have suffered from writer’s block. . . . Read More

Season of Searching

C.A. Bleu | December 7, 2022

Winter has a way of revealing. After the beauty of Fall, when the colors of gratitude fade, we find the . . . Read More

Earnest Enough to be Honest

Lovely Marie | November 30, 2022

In prayer this morning thanking God for peace. I ask Him to deliver me, use me, try me or even . . . Read More

Broken and Remade

C.A.Bleu | October 26, 2022

I recently listened to a devotional called ‘Killing Comparison with Nona Jones’ on the Holy Bible app. Something about the . . . Read More

Our True Comforter

Sara Lynn Wells | September 21, 2022

Lightning flashed as I jolted awake to an all too familiar scene of my little boy standing by the bed . . . Read More

My Testimony

Mary Ellen Collins | September 14, 2022

“If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.  Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; . . . Read More


C.A.Bleu | September 7, 2022

Forgiveness is hard, maybe I just make it harder than it should be? When we feel hurt or harmed by . . . Read More

I’m Fine, You’re Fine, We’re All Fine! 

C. A. Bleu | August 31, 2022

I like to write, as you can tell, but its hard to write about painful things. Things we all keep . . . Read More


Tina Elliott | August 17, 2022

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait . . . Read More

Victim No More

Tina Elliott | June 8, 2022

There once was a child lost and alone;   she struggled with thoughts of having no home.  Darkness prevailed as life moved . . . Read More

Do you know why God made rutabagas?

Mary Ellen Collins | June 1, 2022

Do you know why God made rutabagas? Yeah, I said rutabagas God uses everything, even rutabagas to make his presence . . . Read More

Respect - The untold story of a motherless daughter

Mary Ellen Collins | September 22, 2021

Stories are often hidden from what we know and see.  Actually they are right in front of us if we . . . Read More

All of Me Toward My Destiny

Amanda Loduca | August 25, 2021

About a month ago I grew unusually, irrationally irritable over something small. I get cranky sometimes, but this time was . . . Read More

Restoration- Beauty from ashes

Julie Thompson | August 18, 2021

One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was to reach out for help.   One of the best things I’ve ever . . . Read More

Where Do You Hide?

Maya | July 28, 2021

When I was adopted I was given a new name —my mom’s middle and my dad’s last name. To be given something so . . . Read More

Can My DNA Tell Me if I Was Wanted?

Maya | July 7, 2021

The results were in. As I clicked the link I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, but there were all kinds . . . Read More

He makes Beauty out of Ashes

Heather Wolper | April 28, 2021

I’m no stranger to grief. Over the years she has settled in and become as familiar as the feeling left . . . Read More

I Can’t See

May 12, 2019

By Mary Ellen Collins I can’t see. Rain pouring down in buckets. Cats and dogs! Think I will take the . . . Read More

Getting Out

March 24, 2019

By: Marisa Saenz (Guest Blogger) When I was younger, I remember the times when my mom would gather all my . . . Read More

Anniversary - It's Just Another Day, Right?

March 10, 2019

By: Marisa Saenz (Guest Blogger) Well, here I am again. Three more days, and it will be the anniversary. I . . . Read More

Getting Rid of the Roots

February 24, 2019

By: Pam C. (Guest Blogger) Healing is a process. When one suffers trauma, such as from mother loss at a . . . Read More

The Dark Place

February 17, 2019

By: DKI (Guest Blogger) Have you, for a brief moment, gone to the deepest darkest place in your grief journey . . . Read More

Take Up Your Shield

January 13, 2019

By: Christine Fishel If you’ve seen the 2018 Wonder Woman movie, you know the scene. Wielding a shield, she holds back . . . Read More

2018 World-Wide 40 Day Prayer Covenant for Motherless Daughters

November 25, 2018

By: Mary Ellen Collins The holidays are just around the corner. Not an easy time when you are grieving the . . . Read More

Either I drive or He does - My Choice

November 11, 2018

By: Cestiny Beuerlein (Guest Blogger) I remember as a teen and young adult, mom always saying, “Girl, get your head out . . . Read More

When It's Hard to See God's Kindness

November 4, 2018

By: Julie Thompson Is your life exactly how you imagined it would be? For me, my life looks very different . . . Read More

A Difficult Opportunity

Heather Wolper | October 28, 2018

By: Heather Wolper My doorbell rang on Friday. I had sick kids at home and I was still wearing the . . . Read More

Shoulder Taps or Nudges? Which one does it take for you?

September 8, 2018

By: Mary Ellen Collins Last week I received a Facebook post.  The man on the screen tells a story I . . . Read More

The Reasons I Write

September 3, 2018

By: Julie Thompson I write because sometimes I can’t speak Of everything going on inside of me My voice may . . . Read More

Wormwood Strikes Again

August 12, 2018

By: Mary Ellen Collins *!#&@GRRR!  Wreck on 75-Southbound.  Wreck on 71-Southbound.   Wreck on 275-East.   Every path blocked!  How am I . . . Read More

A Reminder In The Clouds

August 5, 2018

By: Julie Thompson ​Sitting in a window seat of a packed flight, I look around and notice that I’m surrounded . . . Read More

Nail It Down

June 24, 2018

By: Christine Fishel Sometimes you get a good look in the mirror, and it’s not pretty. I’m not talking about . . . Read More

Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah

Mary Ellen Collins | June 10, 2018

I recently attended a silent retreat. Yes, I said silent. 6 hours of not conversing with anyone.  Well, no human. . . . Read More

Hurting? Give Yourself Away

March 25, 2018

By: Christine Fishel After a period of extreme amounts of loss, I want to hibernate. My sister has attended 7 . . . Read More

Who We Truly Are

Cathy Crosby (Guest Blogger) | February 4, 2018

God is the One who I’ve pressed into during difficult times in my career and as I’ve navigated my journey . . . Read More

40 Days of Prayer for Motherless Daughters: 2017

November 26, 2017

By: Mary Ellen Collins I hate the hype of Christmas!  Holidays are such a lonely time. The commercialism of the . . . Read More

Be Careful What You Pray For

November 19, 2017

By: Christine Fishel At the end of 2016, I was exhausted from the distress of helping to move my parents . . . Read More

Trust and Obey

September 24, 2017

By: Mary Ellen Collins Being obedient to God’s call is not the easiest thing to do. Sometimes I hear His . . . Read More

Praying For A Stranger

September 17, 2017

By: Julie Thompson It started off like a typical day at the park. I was walking the trails, listening to . . . Read More

Happy Anniversary to Us

April 16, 2017

By: Mary Ellen Collins Last month was an anniversary of sorts. It marks the date the we succeeded. God chased . . . Read More


April 2, 2017

By: Mary Ellen Collins F-R-E-E-D-O-M! I am so happy with myself. I am capable. I am competent. I did something . . . Read More

The Limits of Our Grace

March 19, 2017

By: Christine Fishel The first breakthrough I had in my faith was about grace. I had been raised in an . . . Read More

Welcome to The Club

Mary Ellen Collins | March 5, 2017

When you lose a mother, you become a member of the Motherless Daughters Club, a club no one wants to . . . Read More

1 Corinthians 13

February 22, 2017

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does . . . Read More

Hello Adversity!

Chris Fishel | February 13, 2017

I’d been licking my wounds just last weekend. It seemed like a lot—the long-distance caring for my mother with Alzheimer’s . . . Read More

Leaving the City of Regret

Larry Harp | January 11, 2017

(Originally posted at: Heartwarmers4u) I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet I found . . . Read More


Mary Ellen Collins | January 4, 2017

Originally published by: A Mountain Wings Moment (Issue #4040) – Author Unknown A woman was sleeping at night in her . . . Read More

An Unexpected Gift

December 11, 2016

By: Julie Thompson Growing up, I loved the Christmas season. I loved listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas movies, eating . . . Read More

40 Days of Prayer During the Holidays

November 27, 2016

By: Mary Ellen Collins I hate the hype of Christmas! Holidays are such a lonely time. The commercialism of the . . . Read More

Chasing Turtles

Cindy Stepanek | November 16, 2016

As the surgeon looked into my eyes, he said, “Your knee is right where it is supposed to be. I . . . Read More

Dear God, Why?!

Christine Fishel | October 12, 2016

Dear God, why?! What are you doing? Why are you allowing this to happen? I need her! That’s my only . . . Read More

Made Well: An Invitation To Healing

Julie Thompson | October 5, 2016

I recently finished reading Jenny Simmons’ latest book, Made Well: Finding Wholeness in the Everyday Sacred Moments.   Made Well is . . . Read More

Help In Troubled Times (Thoughts on Mark 10:32-34)

Cindy Stepanek | October 2, 2016

Mark 10:32-34 In verse 32 Mark says that the disciples were headed to Jerusalem and “Jesus was leading the way”.    Jesus . . . Read More

Do Something

September 21, 2016

By: Cindy Stepanek (Guest Blogger) Yesterday my husband, Jeff, took me to the surgeon for my post op visit after . . . Read More

When You're Feeling Restless

September 14, 2016

By: Julie Thompson Every week, I read lots of blogs. I’m drawn to writers who are vulnerable and honest in . . . Read More

Don't Shoot the Rabbit

By: Karen Alexander Doyel (Guest Blogger) | September 4, 2016

Yesterday, a big fat rabbit was eating some of my tomatoes. As I was washing dishes after dinner, my husband, . . . Read More

Send Me

August 17, 2016

By: Cindy Stepanek (Guest Blogger) My mom has been gone for over 26 years. I can still hear her telling . . . Read More

Times Are Changing

Karen Alexander-Doyel (Guest Blogger) | August 7, 2016

Have you noticed that the world around us is changing moment by moment?  It seems some of the biggest changes . . . Read More

Choosing Faith in the Face of Negativity

July 20, 2016

By: Cindy Stepanek (Guest Blogger) Mark 3:20-30 I love how reading the Bible puts a whole new perspective on life. . . . Read More

I'll Be With You

July 13, 2016

By: Julie Thompson Over the years So much has changed But I promise you that My love’s still the same . . . Read More

Music and Memories

June 27, 2016

By: Julie Thompson “Sometimes it’s not the song that makes you emotional, it’s the people and things that come to . . . Read More

How God Surprised Me

June 15, 2016

By: Julie Thompson Bravery doesn’t always involve risking your life for someone else. Sometimes it is taking a risk for . . . Read More

Being Honest With God

Julie Thompson | June 5, 2016

I previously blogged about my adventures into the world of Bible Art Journaling. Since my initial blog, I bought more . . . Read More

By My Side

May 7, 2016

By: Julie Thompson When you left this world You took a part of me But now you’re home Now you’re . . . Read More

Cultivating Thankfulness That Can’t Be Erased

April 17, 2016

By: Christine Fishel I had a great idea. I was tired of hearing my four children spout off ungrateful comments . . . Read More

What Jesus Teaches Through a Simple Hug

April 10, 2016

By: Cindy Stepanek (Guest Blogger) Mark 10:13-16 In this reading, people are bringing little children to Jesus to bless. The . . . Read More

The Letters: 10 Lessons in Overcoming Obstacles & Adversity When You Are Called To Do God's Work

March 3, 2016

By: Mary Ellen Collins Overcoming obstacles and adversity are common for most women on their mother loss journey.  We know . . . Read More

This I Know...

Julie Thompson | February 8, 2016

Below is something I wrote awhile ago, but it still holds meaning to me today. I wrote it at a . . . Read More

The Scale

Cindy Stepanek | February 1, 2016

Matthew 19:16-30 One of the connecting points I have with my daughter, Lexi, is our passion to talk about all . . . Read More

The Scroll

Cindy Stepanek | January 13, 2016

Matthew 18:10-14 One of the buttons that Satan uses to send me into Crazy Town is the news. I realize . . . Read More

A Time to Rest

Cindy Stepanek | January 10, 2016

  One day my friend and I were sitting on a bench, drinking coffee and chatting about Matthew 14:22-33. We . . . Read More


Cindy Stepanek | December 9, 2015

Everyone has Christmas traditions. Some are good and some should not be carried on. One of my favorite traditions growing . . . Read More

The Perspective

Cindy Stepanek | December 2, 2015

Matthew 20:1-16 In the book The Noticer, by Andy Anderson, he talks about a perspective. No matter what the situation, . . . Read More

World-Wide 40 Day Prayer Covenant for Motherless Daughters

November 30, 2015

By: Mary Ellen Collins I hate the hype of Christmas!  Holidays are such a lonely time.  The commercialism of the . . . Read More

Bible Art Journaling

Mary Ellen Collins | November 23, 2015

* The Motherless Daughters Ministry is excited to announce that we will be offering Bible Art Journaling lessons by Sue Carroll. . . . Read More

The Tunnel

Cindy Stepanek | November 4, 2015

I do not like tunnels, especially if they go under water. I have this unrealistic fear that I will be . . . Read More

The Pharisee

Cindy Stepanek | November 1, 2015

Matthew 15: 1-20   When I went to bed this morning, I thought I had this parable all figured out in . . . Read More

Jesus, Is That You?

Cindy Stepanek | October 18, 2015

Matthew 14: 34-36 One of my biggest concerns is that I may not know Jesus when He comes. How will . . . Read More

Jesus In The Storm

Cindy Stepanek | October 11, 2015

Matthew 14:34-36 I have always loved the story of Jesus walking on water, but today it touches my heart in . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | September 16, 2015

Lies, All Lies Matthew 12:17-21 Isaiah prophesied about Jesus saying, He was the chosen one, God delighted in Him and . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | September 6, 2015

Just Leave Matthew 12:15-16 I admit I am a people pleaser, and I confess that I also have problems setting . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | August 30, 2015

Who Am I? Matthew 12:14-15 This is another one of those times I don’t want to confess my weaknesses. There . . . Read More

Stepping Out of the Boat

Julie Thompson | August 23, 2015

Growing up, I went to church each week. I remember going to Children’s Church and singing songs (such as “Father . . . Read More

One Drop at a Time

Cindy Stepanek | August 17, 2015

I was looking out the window at last night’s dew on the garden when I noticed a drop precariously hanging . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | August 10, 2015

Matthew 8:23-27 Take Your Eyes Off Jesus The Sea of Galilee is actually the largest fresh water lake in Israel. . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | August 3, 2015

Matthew 7:24-25 The Jesus Cruise I really thought the New Testament was going to be pretty easy because it is . . . Read More

God's Plan For You

Mary Marcum | July 29, 2015

  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to . . . Read More

The Choice

Cindy Stepanek | July 27, 2015

I am very blessed to have my youngest daughter edit my blog articles for me. Every now and then she . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | July 23, 2015

Matthew 5:43-48 Do you ever wonder what the people thought when Jesus told them to love their enemy and pray . . . Read More

Necklace or Noose

Cindy Stepanek | July 13, 2015

We all have baggage from our past. We carry it around with us as if it were the family fortune. . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | July 6, 2015

Matthew 4:1-11 If You Will…I Will…. I know this isn’t true, but sometimes I feel like God wrote the Bible . . . Read More

God Prepares

Cindy Stepanek | June 29, 2015

I have been a nurse for 30 years, the last 15 years in Home Care. This may surprise most people, . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | June 19, 2015

Zechariah 11:12 I don’t know if verse 12 is prophesying the betrayal of Jesus but for me it does. In . . . Read More

A Life Full of Love and Faith

Julie Thompson | June 15, 2015

“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | June 10, 2015

Trust Zechariah 2 In this chapter God is calling the exiled Israelite s back to build the temple in Jerusalem . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | June 2, 2015

Boundaries Zechariah 1 I am constantly amazed at what I have learned and am learning about relationships and who I . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | May 27, 2015

By: Cindy Stepanek Haggai 2 God’s Instructions Can you imagine how overwhelming it would be to rebuild the temple? There . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Christine Fishel | May 19, 2015

Jonah 1 Running To or From I can’t seem to stop thinking about all the different things to learn from . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | May 6, 2015

Scripture Passage: Amos 8 I would really like to ask, “How could the people in Amos’s time be impatient for . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | April 29, 2015

* Each week I will be posting a scripture passage from my quiet time, along with my random, but profound . . . Read More

Random and Profound Thoughts

Cindy Stepanek | April 22, 2015

* Each week I will be posting a scripture passage from my quiet time, along with my random, but profound . . . Read More

The Crossroads of Fear and Faith

April 18, 2015

By: Mary Ellen Collins   Welcome to our new blog from the Motherless Daughters Ministry.  We are excited to be . . . Read More