As we start a new year, we are taking a look back at an insightful perspective shared by one of our talented blog writers, Christine Fishel, as she opened the door to 2018. It is a journey worthy of recall to help us avoid overlooking pearls in our midst.
Christine shared her experience of surviving a very difficult year of multiple losses. As the year drew to a close, she revisited the difficulty of navigating overwhelming grief and how she was able to get through the year. Her gaze was on the new year which had to be better than the last 12 months. The amazing gift she received during those months carried her through tough times and has become a personal treasure.
The Motherless Daughters Ministry offers a variety of resources to support the mother loss journey. You are welcome to join our community.
Podcast Episode highlights a blog post from Christine Fishel.
The Motherless Daughters Ministry offers a variety of resources to support the mother loss journey. Sign up on the homepage and Join a “Community of Women who Get It.”
Motherless Daughters Ministry offerings:
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Have a blessed day!