
Where Unconditional Love is found

The minute you walk in the door, you are loved, accepted for who you are and where you are on your journey.  You are welcomed with open arms and open hearts.  You may be nervous if you’ve never been to one of our classes but in a moment’s time, you realize you are in a safe place.  All who greet you are genuinely thrilled that you have come and are looking forward to getting to know you.  There is warmth in every smile.  Welcome in every greeting.  Love coming from every heart. 

As you are escorted to your room, you feel a peace and comfort in your new surroundings.  It’s as if you’re home, not understanding why, because you’ve never been here before.  Your room greets you with your name on the door and a variety of snacks and inspirational material in your hospitality bag.  These leaders are so excited that you are coming and, now, so happy that you are here! 

As people see you in the halls, they warmly come to introduce themselves and you can tell their interest is real.  It’s not just a quick “hello, my name is.”  They stand, talk, and want to know about you.  They make you feel at home. 

As the sessions begin, you start to understand what you were feeling.  This retreat is for YOU! Whatever you need, you will receive.  In addition, if you don’t know exactly what you need, they’ll help direct you with love and compassion.  There is warmth here that is not felt anywhere else.  It is like being enveloped in God’s unconditional love.  He is in the building, in the ladies in the ministry and therefore, surrounding all. 

This retreat has been thoughtfully planned and mindfully prayed for.  It is evident the minute you walk in the door.  You will be blessed beyond measure by attending this event.  A weekend of unconditional love, understanding and validation.  This ministry understood my pain and why I was so hurt.  They understood my feelings and did not judge.  Then, they did all they could to help me deal with the pain and direct me on the road to recovery.  They got it and I was helped. 

The Motherless Daughter’s Ministry Journey Retreat is something special that you will not find anywhere else.  As you leave, you will look at your situation with new eyes, new insights and a better path to take you into the rest of your life.  In addition, if you need further help, you have just met several women who feel just like you do and are there for support – including the ministry. 

There is unconditional love and understanding out there.  You just have to look for it.  I’ll help you – the Motherless Daughters Ministry is there for you if you have lost your mother to death, or never had the love and nurturing care of your mother.  We get it and we are here to help. 

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We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!