
Getting Through the Neon Year

A neon sign cannot be missed. It demands attention and won’t be ignored. In the same way, the neon year announces its arrival and maintains attention until after the year ends.  Every motherless daughter will come face to face with her neon year. Having advanced knowledge is the key to navigating this phenomenon.

Our Founder and Executive Director, Mary Ellen Collins opens the door on this unusual period. She joins us in the studio to talk about her own experience and share tips on how to survive the year and plan for a successful journey forward.

The Motherless Daughters Ministry serves women who have lost or missed the nurturing provided by a mother. Our resources will also be helpful for those who are guardians for motherless daughters under the age of 18. Whether they are biological, adoptive, surrogate, or unlabeled, losing the person who fills that need is devastating. We provide a community of support for all women because mother loss penetrates every dividing line created by mankind.

If you were moved by this podcast and want to talk to someone, reach out to us. We are a click away to schedule a 15-minute free consultation.

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Have a blessed day!

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We are excited to announce Danyetta Najoli as our new MDM Executive Director!