
Dear Supporter of the Motherless Daughters Ministry Community

I feel so lucky to get to be the person to thank you for supporting the ministry.  On behalf of a world of motherless daughters seeking a supportive community to walk with them, thank you. 

Something special, almost magical happens when motherless daughters come together. A safe, healing community begins and continues promoting tremendous growth in women who come to this ministry. Listening, walking with them in their grief and validating their stories is the foundation for healing and helping to mend their relationship with God. In a world where mother loss has been silenced, the ministry inspires woman to share, listen, connect, and know they are not alone in their loss. 

This has been an incredibly challenging and unprecedented time. Our prayer is that you and your family are safe, healthy, and weathering this storm. To accommodate to the challenges of physical distancing, all programs and events shifted to a virtual setting. The realities of the now is that we must cut costs and provide more.   

But let me share the impact we have. 

  • Over the past 21 years, we have served over 120,000 individuals internationally. 
  • 21 years ago, we served 5 women in my living room. 
  • In 2021 alone, we served over 50,000 individuals internationally.

We continually enhance our services to motherless daughters adding more niche specific mother loss courses (The Emotionally Absent Mother, Daughters of the Narcissistic Mother, the Road to Forgiveness) in various methodologies: Online, Onsite, Retreats and E-learning. Support Groups for each type of mother loss, retreats, events, podcasting, video messages, blogs, direct one-on-one support and a new website help us reach more women annually.   

Each individual who comes to us is charged to minister and share with others. Their circle of influence extends to not only family and friends but also to relationships, work environments, and parenting. 

We must provide a safe environment for women to begin healing and have their voice be heard. Keeping these groups small guarantees the opportunity for discussion and questions. We validate their stories.

A woman comes to the Motherless Daughters Ministry for her own healing. They know from the beginning that they are also there so that they can reach out and help others. 

Like a pebble tossed into water, the magnitude of our reach ripples until it hits the shore and then splashes up on the bank to provide nourishment to others. 

  • Your support helps motherless daughters to know they are not alone.
  • Your being a part of this community inspires connections and conversations.
  • Your gifts are healing.  
  • Your commitment means more than ever in difficult and challenging time.
  • Your contribution helps those who might not otherwise have this opportunity. 

When you support the Motherless Daughters Ministry, I hope you feel that it belongs to you. Because without you, and without the thousands of women who come to us every day, we would could not fulfill our mission.  

Thank you for giving Motherless Daughters Ministry shape, and purpose, and momentum. Thank you for fitting us into your life. 

With immense gratitude, 

Mary Ellen Collins, Ph.D.                                                          

Founder and Executive Director                                                                      

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Breaking Free: Healing from a Narcissistic Mother Support Group

Monday, Dec. 16, 2024 7:00-8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

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