
I Am Meant to Keep Going

Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, which affects memory, thinking, language and behavior. As it progresses, it can render your mother less and less recognizable as the person you have always known.  The mothering you have experienced and have come to expect is slipping away. This is another form of mother loss. No one understands better what you are going through except other daughters experiencing the same thing.

Each one of us has a unique story. If you would like to share your story, consider contributing to our blog.  Click on the “Blog” tab at the top of the home page for more information.  The Motherless Daughters Ministry has created a variety of opportunities that provide a safe environment to share experiences, challenges and recognize the tools you possess to navigate this new existence. This NEW redesigned website makes it easier than ever to connect and utilize the resources.

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Have a blessed day!

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Join us Thursday at 7:00 PM EST on our Facebook Live and meet Mershon Niesner author of: Mom’s Gone, Now What? Ten Steps to Help Daughters Move Forward After Mother Loss