
2018 World-Wide 40 Day Prayer Covenant for Motherless Daughters

By: Mary Ellen Collins

The holidays are just around the corner. Not an easy time when you are grieving the loss or absence of a mother. I hate the hype of Christmas! Holidays are such a lonely time. The commercialism of the holidays drills home the loneliness I feel. Perfect Norman Rockwell family portraits splashed everywhere, magazines, ads, and TV channels. Pictures of multi-generational families gathered together with large smiles, hugs, and joyous splendor. This is not my life.

All of this serves to remind me of what I don’t have. That is not what Christmas should be about.  That is not how I should feel about Christmas, but I do. The real Christmas is having Christ in our hearts and celebrating the birth of our Savior. How can there be room both for my self-pity and the joy of Christ?

As a motherless daughter, I am always triggered when I hear Silent Night, especially the verse, “round mother and child.” I begin crying and then the downward spiral happens. I focus on what I don’t have. I have no one to call me her daughter. Then I feel guilty. I have a wonderful husband, daughter, and son-in-law. Guilt then tears, then guilt then tears  . . . and on and on until I am so parched there are no tears left.

Let’s join together and pray for each other during this holiday season. Let us fill each other’s empty space with prayers. We are not alone. We have each other. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go there this holiday season. I need support and prayers. I need you! We need each other.

Will you join me in a 40-day Prayer Covenant to reach motherless daughters all over the world and fill that empty place in our hearts with each other’s love and prayers? You are not alone. There is a sisterhood of motherless daughters who stand with you and are holding you through this holiday season.

Please pray with me:

 “Dear Father, thank you for your grace that has made me one of your dearly loved children.  Help me to know that you will fill those empty places with others who speak wisdom and truth to me. Empower me to love other motherless daughters, the way you love me. Forgive me for my longing for those who are with you. Enable me to praise you, O Lord, with all my heart. Jesus, be Lord of my life today in new ways, and change me any way you want! Make me an instrument of your grace, truth, forgiveness, righteousness and justice. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Use me today for your glory, and to reach motherless daughters all over the world and for them to know they are not alone. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

If you are willing to pray with me, just respond with YES.


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