
Random and Profound Thoughts

Jonah 1

Running To or From

I can’t seem to stop thinking about all the different things to learn from chapter 1. There seems to be so much more to the story than Jonah ran. From this chapter, I have learned a simple concept that changes the way I look at my desire to sin. This is my thought process.

If I am running from God, then I am running from His perfection and goodness. This means that I have to be running towards something. If I were running away from goodness and perfection I would have to run toward the opposite, which is evil and imperfection. That means I am running toward Satan. This perspective takes away some of the appeal to choose things that do not follow God’s ways. It doesn’t mean I will accomplish perfection but my heart changes.

I have been praying about the sailors in this chapter and tomorrow I am going to write about them.

My One

I cannot be afraid of a God who is perfect.

My Five

I am thankful that my car wasn’t damaged when the passenger side windshield wiper went flying off and became jammed under the driver’s side windshield wiper.

I am thankful for a good nap before I went to work.

I am thankful there are only 7 more days of work before my week off.

I am thankful that I will be meeting with Chris to go over stories in a few hours.

I am thankful for my job and that I work one week and have a week of even if it is one long week of stress, caffeine and craziness.

What 5 things are you thankful for?

Dear Lord, thank you for the new and deeper understanding of what it means to run from You. Help me to turn around and run towards You at all times. Love me.

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