
The Crossroads of Fear and Faith

By: Mary Ellen Collins


Welcome to our new blog from the Motherless Daughters Ministry.  We are excited to be able to bring to you shared thoughts and reflections from many of the woman in the Motherless Daughters Ministry.  There will be blog posts on many topics that are related to mother loss, our mission, and vision.

I will admit that it is a little scary also.  The ministry has grown so fast and is reaching so many women. We really are at the crossroads of fear and faith.

What does that mean?  It truly means that we have to trust God first.  Fear will keep us paralyzed.  Fear that we have never done this before.  Fear that we don’t have all of the answers.  Fear that it is not perfect.  Fear that you will not like this.  We want to plan, plan, plan to try and overcome our fear.

Sometimes we just have to step out in faith. This is the really scary part.  As Peter did in Matthew 14:22-33, we simply have to get out of the boat and walk towards Christ.  We cannot let the storms, the waves, and yes, our fears keep us from walking towards what God wants us to do. This ministry is God-inspired and we have faithful servant leaders holding my hand as we walk on the water.  Bless them!

So here we are, starting something new.  Stepping out in faith that our blog will minister to you.  Come back and visit us.  Let us know what you think.  We are here to serve you!  Shall we hold hands?

3 replies on “The Crossroads of Fear and Faith”

Hi! Well, 2013 was the worst year ever because my husband and I lost our mother and our first born son. My mother Nancy J. Benjamin died on May 8, 2013 and 7 month later, we had a son named Enoch Miracle Cobberti that lived and died on December 3, 2013 on a Tuesday morning. It’s a long journey to go through grief, but my God the Father is carrying me through! Even though I get very angry at Him at times, but I still love Him. I just came on here to share my story with you! My mother’s birthday is this Friday, April 24th, so keep me in your prayers, ok? God bless, bye!

Shakira, Thank you for sharing your story. It’s nice to know that you have been able to experience God’s presence during such difficult times. We will be praying for you!

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